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We believe that power comes from sharing knowledge, not from keeping it to ourselves. That’s why we'll be sharing weekly tips about our most-used tech stack based on our own learnings and experience so far. We’ll also share our latest tech blog articles, trivago tech news and updates on events with you.

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Besides sharing our weekly tips, we also frequently post articles on our tech blog about our ideas, our prototypes and our tech stack that make our vision of the best metasearch for hotels become reality. From how we overcame challenges to mastering new tech along the way, we try to share as much as we can!

We love to collaborate and get feedback on our work, so feel free to contact us or any of our authors if you want to chat.

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With employees from all over the world, trivago is an international IT company operating on a very large scale. Our goal is to provide the best hotel search possible.

For us, tackling hard problems is like going on an adventure. Solving a technical challenge feels like finding a hidden treasure. Want to go treasure hunting with us?

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